Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moving Forward

So, I've been debating lately (shocking, I know). During our adoption classes, a couple who is adopting a sibling group from Russia received pictures of "their children" (a referral). They had not yet started their home study, so pretty much were in the beginning just like us. So, now they get to spend the next who knows how long with pictures of their children in hand completing paper work, getting the house ready, getting fingerprinted, raising money, earning money, spending money, and saving money until they have enough money to pick up their children. I'm not sure about Russia, but I know with Ethiopia the avg. time it takes from start to finish is 12-18months. So, thats a LONG TIME with pictures of your children and no end in site to when they will be in your home. :( Hello! Pregnancy anticipation x2 (well, x4 for them with two children)...

Anyway, I was concerned at the time because I really would not handle that well - having pictures and waiting and waiting. So, my thought was that we could work on our dossier (big stack of papers) and raising/earning/saving money and then submit the paperwork so we could get a picture (referral) of our child. This is not usual though. Most people complete the paper work right away, send it in, get the referral, and then worry about how long it may take them to earn money to get there. So, my plan was to wait, but I just can't. Change of plans (now that is shocking - change is not my thing). So, I began working on our dossier yesterday. They say this can take, on avg. 3 months. According to my estimations, I should have it done in one month. :) Anyway, we will not rush it too much, but will get it done and submit it and then wait for our picture of our child, chosen for us by God to come and then worry about how to get him/her (or both? siblings? - more to come on that in a bit) home - just like the other crazy people we are joining in this process. :) If I could handle one baby born lifeless and another needing emergency heart surgery at 4 days old, I can handle waiting for my little one (or two) and looking at their picture for a longer period of time.



Laura said...

Boy Jennie, that is a tough call. I would think it would help keep the motivation high to press on if you could see your waiting child's face. I would also think it would be easier to pray about a baby you can see than for the idea of a child(ren).

But I can also understand the difficulty of seeing that child and aching to hold him/her.

Either way, I'm excited to be following you guys on this journey :)

Suzanne said...

:O Well being the crazy one's you speak of...LOL I think yay, i'm glad were going for two, cuz seriously we want more children than less and i'm not sure if i'd jump on this roller coaster again. Or be able to financially.. It's all in the Lord's hands. We have a relationship with these two forever no matter what. We just received the older brother's health check and happy to say he is healthy. So cheryl's coming next week... Eeek got to run and pay some attention to corners of my house . You see our current youngest is 14 and i only have one cupboard left that has those little plastic safety clip things left. Pray Pray Pray
Suzanne and Ken