Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Surgery Results Are In (And Better Than I Anticipated)

Well, we went to see the eye doctor today. Surgery results are in and better than I anticipated. :) The left eye seems to be really straight. The right eye is drifting in, especially when he is looking at things that are close up. She said that she was worried that if she corrected any more, the eye would drift outward, and that is harder to correct (non-surgically) than it drifting inward (like it is). So, we are doing some eye exercises with Drew for the next 2 weeks. We will then go back and see her and, at that time, she may recommend doing some DREADED (but NOT more than surgery) patching again. Or maybe bifocals. But, she doesn't see surgery being a good recommendation, at least not in the near future. So, that's excellent. :) And, only 1 more day of drops... Believe me, I'm OVERJOYED with that news!! :)

Pictures of Drew's straight(er) eyes coming soon!! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

International Adoption Ain't for Sissys...

Prayers appreciated -- There has been a lot of changes to the Ethiopia adoption process lately. A lot of challenges. Most of them mean longer wait times (and I'm guessing we'll be on that wait list in about a month and 1/2) for families in the waiting process. That also means longer wait times for the kiddos in the orphanages too. It makes me sad that this is the case. There have been lots of rumors going on about the program and it's concerning. But we are keeping on this path. We've been praying about our little Ethiopian baby for some time now, and we'll keep that up until God slams that door shut if he wants us to look else where. My heart just longs for that baby (or maybe we should really consider babies)... We've just fallen in love with Ethiopia and the people there. A piece of my heart is already there!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Ask?

  First of all, some friends of ours, who we haven't seen since Christmas, came up and spent the day with us and it was AWESOME. We don't get to see them near enough and we were really blessed and encouraged by our time with them today. And let me tell you, WE NEEDED THAT!! God's timing is just great some times! :)
   Also, I wanted to address the question of "Why ask for prayer and financial support for adoption, specifically from believers who you love and respect?" My answer -- because I believe it is biblical. We are adopted in to God's family - as His children. Now, I know adoption itself (especially international) is a 'controversial issue' and some people (probably some who are reading this) don't agree with the issues surrounding adoption itself - much less financially supporting a couple looking to adopt. It is our journey, our 'mission' not yours, right? Well...
   James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." There are over 147 Million orphans in the world. If I can do something to personally lower that number by even one (or two), I am following through. Proverbs 24:12 "If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?" Jaden and I feel CALLED to adopt. We feel LED to adopt. Yep, still following through. John 14:18, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." Yep, STILL following through. So why ask for help? The following is taken from the Lifesong for Orphans website - I can not claim it as my own...

  • Evangelize the lost – Adoption is evangelism at its core…Bringing the mission field home, where children are loved, cared for, and discipled to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  • Edify the saved – Adoption Fund challenges, encourages, and enables Believers to put their faith in action, by stepping out in faith to adopt (fulfilling God’s commands in scripture). The process also provides an opportunity for families to develop relationships with other Christians as they seek prayer and financial support.
  • Minister to those in need – There are millions of children waiting for forever families who would like to adopt them, but just can’t because of the financial barrier. By helping to reduce that barrier we are helping to rescue those children who are trapped in the cycle of orphan life.
  • Be a Conscience in the community –  As the Church becomes obedient to God’s commands concerning the fatherless, the community will see Jesus Christ is alive and working in the lives of His people to care for those children who can’t care for themselves. “As Christians we are often known for what we are against, but the world doesn’t know what we are for. Jesus said ‘Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16)
  So, this is not to put any pressure, in any way, on anyone to help us out financially. But it IS a request for prayer in this process for our family. 
   Specifically - 
    - April 6th fingerprinting date: That travels to the location would be safe and easy (as easy as can be with 2 kids). 
    - That we would get our 171-H form (permission from the USCIS) back quickly. And that then, we could turn in our dossier.
   - There have been some changes within the Ethiopian adoption process that have lengthened the wait time for a referral quite a bit. We request prayers that God brings our baby home quickly to be a part of our family.
   We are truly amazed at those who have already taken part in our various fundraisers and who have helped to support us in prayer, encouragement, financially, etc. over the past few months. It means the world to us. Many people have stepped up in a big way and that is AWESOME!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Recovery Update

  Well, today was the day after surgery. Drew slept in our bed last night. He did have a fever last night, but other than that (worrying me about the fever) it was great to have him sleep in our bed! He NEVER sleeps in our bed (never has) so this was WONDERFUL!! I could get used to it. :) Anyway, he woke up in rough shape - lots of crying and screaming. So much so, that I called in the reinforcements (my mom). She came up and spent the day. Funny though, soon as I told Drew that grandma was coming - he perked right up, and didn't come down (except for eye drop times) until bed time. He is doing GREAT today, now that grandma is here. I had to remind him several times that golf and basketball are still off limits. Now, if I could convince him to take his eyedrops and ointment (IN his eye) a bit easier...
  Anyway, having my mom around today was nice. I look forward to more help tomorrow! :) Hopefully the morning will be better as well.
  Here is a picture of the kids and Cho-Cho Soul (a childrens' music group) from the Imagination Movers Concert we went to last week. And, one of Drew and I too. :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pictures of Where We'll Be...

Just wanted to post a link to another family's blog (just found it) who have recently been to Ethiopia for an adoption. LOTS of amazing pictures on there and information. My family - you need to check this out. This will show you where we will be. Others, feel free to look too. Amazing...

Surgery is OVER.

  Well, today was the big surgery day for Drew (on both eyes - to straighten them out). We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. We sat and went over health info. for a while... Finally they gave him some medicine to make him goofy (and unaware of what was about to take place). It was funny, for a minute. But then you realize you are seeing your son all drugged up like you've never seen him before and you start getting frustrated. But, then they took him back and he fell right asleep. When they brought him out to us (about an hour and 1/2 later), they said he was just starting to wake up and wasn't crying or having any issues --- and then he saw us... LOTS of crying and screaming later and they finally took his IV out, we got him dressed, and were out the hospital doors just 4 hours after entering.
  This afternoon/evening was pretty rough. Poor guy was going every 5-25 mins. and then would suddenly start screaming and crying saying his eyes hurt. He can take Tylenol and has to (I mean, hold down, bribe and threaten has to) take eye drops 4 times a day and ointment inside the eye before bed. Poor guy.
  They won't really know if the surgery was successful at straightening out the eyes for a few weeks yet. I guess the surgery is usually done correctly the first time about 80% of the time. Still, of those 80%, about 30% will drift over the next 5 years and need at least one more surgery to correct again. I must say, you may have to TWIST my arm PRETTY HARD to get me to put him through that again... So, here is to praying that the dr.'s got it right the first time and also for a quick recovery!! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Drew's Surgery

Drew has his surgery tomorrow (Monday) morning around 9 a.m. Please keep him (and us) in your prayers in the morning. We are praying that the dr.'s do a good job and that all goes great and they can 'fix' his eyes the first time around. Also, please pray that we will stay relaxed and calm during the procedure (because I'm having a hard time with that now!!!). And please pray for a quick and easy recovery for little Drew.
Thank you so much and I'll keep everyone posted tomorrow!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen -- We have a Walker!

  Oh boy! Lots happening at the Thomas Household the past few days. This is night 2 of Drew sleeping with his bed rail (to keep him from falling out of bed) down. Maybe we can do away with it for good just on time for Disney World?!
  Carissa was up last night a' screamin' and I couldn't understand why -- molars!! Two bottom ones coming in right as the I-teeth on top are finishing up their grand entrance. Great. Sleepless nights this week cause of teeth and next week cause of Drew's eye surgery... Ohhhh. In two weeks -- I WILL NEED A BREAK. Promise. Beginning the 30th (that's the first day with nothing on the calendar post-surgery) I may take a 'leave of absence' for at least a few days. :)
  Anyway, and then, Little Carissa decides tonight to start taking steps without holding on to anything!! She's been doing great holding on to stuff (pretty much running) but tonight, she let go. She and Drew (probably even more so Drew) are getting the BIGGEST kick out of it. Pretty cute! Video footage of that to come - probably after my leave of absence. :) Ha. -- Yeah right, those of you who know me know that will probably be a few hours, not days.
  AND we also got our new fingerprinting appointment for the adoption. New date: April 6th. Once that is done, we will be waiting for clearance from the USCIS and then we will turn in our dossier to Holt and it gets sent off to Ethiopia and we will be 'on the list'. Then, we will be officially waiting. :) Can't wait (well, can wait to wait, but...).
  And with all that, checking out for a little movie time with the hubby. Time to unwind for a bit, as one cup of coffee this morning just didn't cut it and I now have a HUGE headache!

Friday, March 11, 2011

  I was fortunate enough to grow up in the same house for all of my 18 'growing up' years. My parents sold that house shortly after I was married. I still think about it all the time. I often think about knocking on the door there and begging to come in let the memories come flooding back - especially since loosing my dad. That house was the house my parents raised me in. Anyway, thought I'd post this song because I can't get it out of my head this morning and, well, I like it. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Big Fundraiser Success!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who came out to Burrachos tonight for our fundraiser! It was so amazing and encouraging to see so many people there! We were completely blown away! Thank you so much!! We did get more than 50 flyers turned in - and so we made 20% of ALL food purchased 4-9pm this evening. That will be a big help!! Thank you all a ton. And great to visit with many of you!! We were also so grateful to the Burrachos employees who are all so friendly every time we go in there. Wish all businesses could have such energetic customer service!

Please keep praying for Jaden. Tomorrow night marks his first night in the recording studio. He is pretty excited! I am hoping this first night of recording goes well and serves as a big encouragement (aka ~ butt kicker) for him to continue on and press forward with recording his first album. :) All the funds received from the album (when it is finished) will go toward the adoption and that will be a big help!!

Thank you all! Such a great night!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fundraiser Photoshoot

Another fundraiser photoshoot is on for tomorrow! This time, Jaden will be joining so we can get pictures of the 4 of us together! Really fun!! I can't wait to see the 5th Thomas in the Photoshoot that we will have once he/she joins our family!! That's what this is for - to bring us another step closer, financially, to our little one. I'm soooo excited for that!!!

Don't forget to email me if you need a flyer for the Burrachos Fundraiser on Tuesday (March 8th) from 4-9pm!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sick Daze

  Oh boy. I swear, we've all been sick since September.  I HATE having sick kids. Especially sick Carissa - she is the worst sick baby I've ever heard of!! Well, both the kids (and both of us) had bad colds 4 weeks ago that lasted about two weeks. I took Carissa in for it and she had an ear infection. She took the antibiotics and finished those up last Tuesday. Well, Monday I took her in and - op - another ear infection!! Tuesday, she was DRAGGING. Lethargic, really. So bad that I had to call Jaden home to help me with the kids from his staff meeting. That's the first time I've had to call him home but I couldn't handle it any more. She would not let me set her down and he wanted all the attention too! Anyway, Jaden and I ended up taking her to the dr. again Tuesday night because she was having labored breathing... Sure enough - poor girl has pneumonia. :( They gave her two shots of strong antibiotics and sent us home (they didn't want her in the hospital out of fear for her contracting something worse). After we were home a while, she started doing much better. We did have to check on her every half hour, so we took shifts holding her on the couch/recliner and setting our phone alarm to wake up and check her every half hour. What a restful night sleep!!

Went in yesterday and had both kidos checked. Dr. likes the progress she is making and we got to switch to oral antibiotics. Drew should be free and clear of pneumonia and just has a bad cold. Soooo you'll never guess who ended up feeling slightly sick yesterday and then even worse this morning??? Yep - Jaden and I both. Go figure!! So, anyway, stay away from our sick house. I think we will be quarantined for a while! :)