I've been asked twice in the past two days if we are choosing to adopt because we can't have any more children? First of all, we ARE planning on having more children - just in a different way than our previous two children. This child is already in our hearts, just not 'in my belly.' :)
As many of you know, our previous two children were born with very serious health issues. Both of them were not genetic or anything, and chances of anything going wrong a third time would be very few, but we both just are a bit scared and not ready to have biological children again at this point. I'm not ready to make that decision permanent yet, but feeling like that is not what we are supposed to do right now.
We were really struggling with what to do because both of us always wanted 4 children and we were feeling 'ready' (if one ever really is ready) for another baby soon, but neither one of us were thrilled with the idea of going down the pregnancy, birth, and stress that comes with that process. Jaden went to a work conference and I was at home crying and praying because my heart was longing for another baby but I was feeling like it just isn't the right time. That next day, I saw the word 'adoption' many, many times throughout the day. Something inside of me felt it right away. That's what we were supposed to do. Then, Jaden comes home from the conference and was all nervous to tell me that he's been feeling this call to adopt a little black baby and it was totally confirmed at this conference. He was nervous to tell me because he thought I wouldn't understand... Ahhh, yep. I did understand. Two days later, I made an appointment with Lutheran Social Services and well, here we are!! :)
We really feel like adoption is the right choice for us right now. Not to say that the adoption process is easy or stress free (and it's only been a little over a month)!! But, boy - what a super opportunity it is to add a child to your family that will be able to provide a whole new energy around here! It will be wonderful to add the Ethiopian culture to our life and educate all of our children about their culture and heritage. I can't wait to love on this child and introduce him/her to all of you!!!
James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We consider this being a commandment to us, from God. Adoption is NOT for everyone, and I don't think that is what this scripture is saying (since there are other ways to look after besides adoption). But, since we were both open to it, and then felt the weight on our hearts to follow through, I believe Jaden and I (and our family) ARE being called to adopt. Also, Ethiopia counts one of the largest populations of orphans in the world: 13% of children throughout the country are missing one or both parents. This represents an estimated 4.6 million children – 800,000 of whom were orphaned by HIV/AIDS. If I can offer just one of these children (although the thought of adopting a sibling group has crossed my mind...) a better chance of a life and a follower of Christ, it is a privilege!!
Anyway, though we had trouble conceiving Drew and were told we'd have troubles conceiving Carissa (though we didn't), I have not looked in to the Doctors thoughts on conceiving another biological child. But I can tell you that our next baby has already been 'conceived' in my heart with no trouble at all!
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