Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving (a Few Days Late)

Well, I was so ready to 'blog' on Thanksgiving, and well, I didn't. So, just pretend it's still Thursday. We had a great Thanksgiving. My mom came up and I made a huge feast on Thursday. The traditional Thanksgiving meal is my favorite -- so I go all out (though I recognize this is not the first time you've probably heard that from someone). :) Anyway, my mom stayed with us all the way until Sunday, so that was great to have some time with her and have her around to help occupy the kids for a bit.

I do have so much to be thankful for... First of all that I love Jesus and I know he loves me too! :) I have a wonderful, hard working and thoughtful husband who purposefully serves me and his children in a way most husbands don't. I have two amazing kids who I nearly lost, and mean the world to me that I get to stay home with during the day and kiss every ouchie, wipe every snotty nose, yell at during meltdowns, make meals for, etc. All of this keeps me thankful and happy!! I have what a lot of women dream of. For sure.

Yet, of course, I'm only human... I'm always thinking of how things could be better. We could have more in savings. I could go on a diet (and I mean a real one - and really try to stick to it). We could have this awesome train set under our tree that lights up and plays Christmas music (check-- thanks, grandma!). The $30,000 we need for this adoption could magically appear in our adoption account and we could proceed forward tomorrow. Yes, yes. We can always find things we want and would make our lives better. :( I must realize that everything comes with time. Carissa is only 1, so this money will come in His time, when he has us all prepped and ready for this new baby to enter our world.

I read a blog last night of a family who adopted a little boy from Ethiopia and, even though he was only maybe 7-8 months at the time, he would wake up crying some times at night and she'd hold him and he'd cry and it was all part of an adjustment and being removed from his home, his family, his country, his smells, his everything he'd ever known. I got teary eyed reading about it and thought about how I will handle this. And realized, if it came down to it, man, my heart would break. I'm sure I'd handle it just fine and I'd love him and hold him and, well, do my best! But it made me realize that God is totally preparing us. During this time of saving money/earning money for the adoption, He is working at us. Preparing us to grow by one who is already a part of our hearts and will soon be part of our home. Can't wait -- but I guess I can, and better get used to it! :)

Anyway, this season, I'm going to work on listening to Him, working with Him in preparation and doing my best to educate myself and brainstorm how I'll handle this, and put others first so I'm not so selfish in what I want or how things could be better. :)

That was a lot of randomness!!! :) Sorry.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Been a While

Hey all! It's been a while since I posted. Sorry about that. :)

Not much is new. I got a part time job (very part time - about 12 hours a week for now) to put 100% of my pay toward the adoption. I also babysit one afternoon every other week and that helps. New baby already has his/her own piggy bank (though it will be empty when baby arrives). :) It does just seem, though, like the money is slow to come right now. It's hard to come up with $30,000 as fast as you can. Even though every dollar counts, it's hard to believe that I'll ever see a number that big! :) But, it will happen and I'm SUPER excited for that day.

The out puring of love and support we've already gotten is amazing. I've started a Tastefully Simple Fundraiser and people are ordering. It's crazy to think that they are doing that on our behalf! :) Also, we don't have a 'fund' set up but we do have a 'chip in' site where you can donate money via pay pal. Or, feel free to send us a check. It will go right in new baby's piggy bank - and then make it's way in to our adoption account at the big bank. :) Anyway, along our last month and a half or so journey, we've come in contact with 4 other people who are currently in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. Also, we've come in to contact with 4 families who have already adopted from Ethiopia! That's amazing. That in it's self is so encouraging!

Anyway, planning our Thanksgiving meal and starting to get in to the Christmas mood as well. Very exciting this year with both kiddos! :)

Thanks everyone for your encouragement and support!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Paper Pregnancy

So, they say adoption is a paper pregnancy. I think I agree. :) Two nights ago, we got our official letter of acceptance in to Holt's Ethiopia Adoption Program. We had already talked to the workers at Holt and be 'unofficially' accepted but this was our formal acceptance letter. Well, to me, that's like a positive pregnancy test. It's a yep - your in. :) What do you know, just like my previous two pregnancies, I spent the following day puking my brains out! Ha. I had the stomach flu (along with Drew). Blah. Anyway, I have also heard adoptive mom's sometimes gain weight (NOT this one!!!), experience the baby blues, etc. Too funny.

Anyway, our big endeavor right now is saving up for the home study. I had a job interview at Sylvan Learning Center for a tutoring position part time. I'll put all of the money from all of the pay checks in our adoption account and, as soon as we get all of the money for the home study, we'll be able to begin that process.

Also, today, I started organizing our first fundraiser. It will be a Tastefully Simple Party in January. But, the catalogue/online ordering will begin tomorrow (and run through January). I know I'll be ordering some Christmas gifts! Yumm!! Many of their products are very delicious.

I'll keep you all posted when I get more information on more fundraising efforts!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Family Weekend

Wow. Jaden had last week off and what a fun time we had! It was great having him around. Plus, Thursday - Sunday we went back to Milwaukee to visit family. It was great. Got to see a lot of our family and friends - some who we haven't seen in quite a while. So, it was super fun. Plus, we got to go to our old church and that was neat too - to see everyone there that we've missed quite a bit. And now we are home -- grocery shopping and cleaning day here!! :)

As far as the adoption goes -- we are now in the process of saving up the $2780.00 required for the home study. Once the home study is paid for and then completed, we can apply for grants and see what comes our way that way. Some friends have asked if we have a 'fund' for people to make donationsaveling our two trips to Ethiopia. I have been hesitant to start a 'fund' because they do charge a fee (a certain % of the total donations made) and I just feel like it may be easier for people just to send donations directly to us. If you feel moved to send any money at any time in this process, we will gladly accept it and promise to use it only for the adoption process - whatever step of the process we are at during the time you send it.

Thanks everyone. Keep praying for God's hand in this and the support we need to keep it up and get it moving!! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Baby is One!


Today is Carissa's one year birthday! What a year it has been!! I'm so grateful she is here with us, as we thought for a while that she wouldn't be. She's such a gift to me. I just love watching her little personality grow and change. She is already a bit of a hand-full! I know people get sick of hearing me say how different she is from Drew, but it's true! And that's amazing! I love them both so much!! I'm so thankful for my 'two babies.'

Cake Face.