Monday, May 13, 2013

The Back Story

I have to admit, most of the time, I have been on cloud 9 since receiving the phone call about our new little girl.  I can't stop thinking about her, talking about her, and loving her already!! But, at times, the pain creeps in. It is a pain some people won't understand. . . But this little girl has parents somewhere in Ethiopia. I'm am certain that they loved this little girl. They loved her enough to give her life. They are missing her and their heart is longing for her, just as mine is. 

Speaking from 1st hand experience, growing up adopted is different (speaking from the experience of a closed adoption and not being able to find my bio-parents until the age of 21). There are lots of unanswered questions, and at times, even though I had THE BEST, MOST LOVING adoptive parents any child could ask for, that feeling of rejection and being unwanted creeps in. I am guessing that is only natural for any adopted child. I can't imagine the way our little girl is going to feel when she realizes that many of her questions may never be answered. . . 

You see each child born in this world has a story. The thing is - in the case of adoption, this story is not ours to tell. It is hers someday, if she decides to share it. When growing up, my parents didn't tell everyone I was adopted. They didn't tell everyone the story of who my biological parents were or why they gave me up for adoption. That would have only multiplied my negative feelings for adoption later in life. It would have made me had ill-feelings toward my biological parents -- whom I have had the privilege of meeting -- and those ill-feelings would have been totally unwarranted.

Thus, if you want to know our daughter's story -- her story is this. She was an orphan - with no mother or father of her own. James 1:27 says, "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." Along came parents for this little girl. Soon, she will be ours. There -- that is the story. Some day, if our girl feels like sharing anything that happened in between these times, it is up to her! Not me.

Here is a great article I found that explains all of this so much more clearly than I am able... Please take the time to read it...

My Child's Backstory Is None of Your Business

MAR 202013
A call for discretion, respect, and neighborly love in adoption.

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