Our little baby turns three today!! I can't believe the past three years have gone by so fast!! She is a very special little girl - full of spunk and lots to say (all the time). She keeps us on our toes, but in a good way! We have total confidence in her ability to use all these gifts God has given her in BIG ways some day! That's awesome!!
I also want to give a bit of an update as to what has been going on with our family here lately. It's been hard to keep everyone in the loop, and I apologize for that. About three and a half weeks ago, Jaden's big toe on his right foot started swelling up and becoming quite painful. I made him a doctor appointment on day 3 of these symptoms and the doctor said it looks like and sounds like a classic case of gout. He gave him a blood test for gout and some sent him home. While the symptoms did say gout, we had some trouble understanding why. Two days later, the blood work came back neg for gout and they sent him in for an x-ray at 9:15a.m. At 11:45a.m. they called to tell him everything looked normal on the x-ray and wanted to send him to a podiatrist the following week. Well, by that time he was in excruciating pain and a huge blister had formed on the bottom of his toe (yep, within 2 and 1/2 hours - crazy!!). He went in to urgent care and she immediately realized it was infected. She squeezed out as much of the infection as she could, put him on 2 antibiotics and he came home. By that night at 8:00p.m., the pain was getting worse and the redness was traveling up his foot even further. We took him in to the ER for some iv antibiotics and came home a few hours later. He kept his foot up but continued to be in horrible pain the next two days. On that second night, Jaden started becoming real lethargic and falling asleep in a chair on-and-off and he became nauseous He developed a temperature, so off to the ER we went yet again. In the ER, they drained as much of the infection as they could yet again (ouch!!!) but said that the infection was too far for him to go and that Jaden would need surgery to remove the rest of it. He was unsure, at that time, if it had reached the bone or not. The following night, they did surgery. Thankfully, the infection had not reached the bone and they felt that the surgery went pretty successfully! We were very relieved. Come to find out, Jaden had gotten two staph infections through a bad case of dry/cracked/Athleits's foot. One of them was a super bug that was resistant to the first round of antibiotics they had put him on - thus the infection continuing to get worse and worse. We are so thankful we took him in when we did, or the outcome could have been much, much worse.
Jaden is recovering slowly. I can't believe bad an infection can take you down like that!! He still can't wear a shoe, has to walk on crutches and keep his foot elevated. We have received meals, and prayers and cards from people. A group of people (some of whom we had never met before) came and raked our leaves for us! It's been amazing and we are truly humbled and blessed by everyone's thoughtfulness.
More updates later in the day -- the morning is getting away from me -- I've got lots of birthday activities to tend to today! ;)
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