Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June Update

Just writing to give you a quick update on our adoption and to tell you about a GREAT fundraiser we have going on.

As of today, we have been on the waitlist for 13 months. We haven’t received any updates from our adoption agency in some time now. I am a member of a yahoo discussion board of couples adopting from Ethiopia through Holt as well and one of them said Holt told them it could be another 6 months to a year of waiting… This is not something I fully understand and it’s really got me down lately. One couple, adopting from Ethiopia as well but from a different agency waited 27 months for a referral (and then you still have about 5-6 months before bringing your child home).

Here is a break down of what is going on, financially, with the adoption.
Date Paid
Due Date
Application Fee – LSS

Application Fee – Holt

Home Study Fee – LSS


Program Fee – LSS

Remainder of Program Fee – LSS

Upon Referral
Dossier Fee – Holt

Program Fee – Holt

Upon Referral (have $6,000 grant and an additional $3715 in the bank for this).
Post Placement Fee – LSS

Upon Referral
Trip 1 to Ethiopia
$8,000.00 (estimated)

Upon Scheduled Travel Date
Trip 2 to Ethiopia
$8,000.00 (estimated)

Upon Scheduled Travel Date

Just Love Coffee: $5.00 to us for each bag of coffee sold This fundraiser is on-going until we travel to Ethiopia to bring our child home.
Lifesong for Orphans: Make a tax deductable donation. We have been told that they will continue to accept donations in our name up until we travel to bring home our child. Make checks payable to ‘Lifesong for Orphans’. In memo section: ‘THOMAS #1855 ADOPTION’. Send to Lifesong for Orphans  PO Box 40  202 N Ford Street  Gridley, IL  61744.
Adoption Bug T-Shirt Fundraiser
You can order t-shirts from this site: You can order and pay on-line and the t-shirt(s) will be shipped directly to you. We make anywhere from $5-$10 (depending on the t-shirt) per shirt sold toward our adoption. Check it out! They have some cool, high-quality shirts for sale! This fundraiser will be on-going until we bring our child home.

-          Finances to continue to come through and successful fundraisers.
-          Patience and faith for both of us in this process.
-          Jaden working on recording his first album (all proceeds earned to go toward the adoption). He is working hard. He has begun the recording process but it is taking longer than anticipated.
Thank you all so much! We are very blessed by each of you!
The Thomas Family

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