I was listening to a Focus on the Family message today about marriage and a 'commercial' that came on totally made me cry - imagine that. :) Anyway, it was about a man who was reading God's Word with his 4 year old son one evening and he read James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." His son was inquiring what an orphan was and just was amazed that there were actually kids in this world with out a mommy or a daddy. He began asking his dad 'why?' and explaining to his dad that they wouldn't be orphans any longer if they had a mom and dad to love them. From that night forward, the boy would set up little beds around their house at night with his blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals for the orphans that he figured they could make room for. One night, his dad went in to his room after he thought his son had been asleep for a while and, there, on his bedroom floor, he had created 3 'beds' for orphans. One of the beds had his very favorite stuffed animal on it. The boy told his dad that he figured they could fit three orphans in his room alone and how excited he was that these kids would be orphans no longer since they would now have a mommy and daddy. How precious. I can't wait to set up a little bed for our orphan that will no longer be an orphan with me as his or her mommy and the best dad in the world as his daddy!!!
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