Sunday, August 14, 2011


Tomorrow morning, I get to take little Drew in for his 4K pictures. I can't believe the little guy is going to be in 4K this year. Oh and what a boy he has become! I just can't explain his sweet heart...
And then - then there is Carissa. :) Just kidding (kind of). Carissa is proving to give us a run for our money every single day. She has picked up some lovely habits - throwing sippy cups on the floor, food on the floor, running out in to the street, yelling mommy over and over and over and over until she finally gets a response... But she sure is sweet too. She just doesn't stop going and going and going. :) She's started combining words now - pointing out "daddy's eyes" "D's foot" "mommy's butt" - yep, "mommy's butt" is a frequently discussed topic by my little girl! :) And she knows pretty much every Sugarland song by heart now.
The kids are getting so big! Too big! Can't wait to add another crazy kid to this mix-up - I mean mix!! :)

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