Wednesday, January 2, 2013

20 Months

Happy New Year!!

As of January 6th, we will be on the waitlist for 20 months (in process for 26 months). The rumor is that we should anticipate a referral within the next month or two. Yep – MONTH OR TWO!!! That means we would be traveling for the first time in February or March (hopefully) and bringing baby home in maybe May or June! That’s not long! We are so excited. Our friends are currently in transit to Ethiopia for their second trip and to bring their son home!!

As far as finances, now we are just saving up for our travel expenses. The estimated total travel expenses (according to our adoption agency) is $5000-$8000 per trip. So, we are needing to get that money together pretty soon! Plus, when we think about a crib, pack n play, bottles, etc. it’s just totally overwhelming – in a FANTASTIC way!! ;) I can’t lie – at times, it causes me to panic thinking ‘what will we do if we get the call and don’t have the money?’ But if there is one thing I’ve learned over and over again during this process it is that God is in control and His timing is perfect and He didn’t call us to adopt because we were ready financially. He called us to adopt because our hearts were ready and willing. HE will provide!  Lots of friends and family have been asking how they can help recently, as everyone is aware we are getting closer!! We do have a few fundraisers going on…


Just Love Coffee: 
$5.00 to us for each bag of coffee sold This fundraiser is on-going until we travel to Ethiopia to bring our child home – And the coffee is DELICIOUS!!

Adoption Bug T-Shirt Fundraiser:
You can order t-shirts from this site: You can order and pay on-line and the t-shirt(s) will be shipped directly to you. We make anywhere from $5-$10 (depending on the t-shirt) per shirt sold toward our adoption. Check it out! They have some cool, high-quality shirts for sale! This fundraiser will be on-going until we bring our child home.

Lifesong for Orphans: Make a tax deductable donation. They will accept donations in our name up until we travel to bring home our child. Make checks payable to ‘Lifesong for Orphans’. In memo section: ‘THOMAS #1855 ADOPTION’. Send to Lifesong for Orphans  PO Box 40  Gridley, IL  61744.

-          First and foremost for our future baby – who is probably born by now. For his or her health and development in these first few months of life (see page 2 of this letter).
-          For our future baby’s biological parent(s). In some way and for some reason, this baby will have to be relinquished for adoption. That has got to be THE most difficult and selfless decision someone can make. We ask for prayers for their hearts.
-          Finances to continue to come through and successful fundraisers.
-          Patience and faith for both of us in this process.
-          Jaden working on recording his first album (all proceeds earned to go toward the adoption). He is working hard. He has begun the recording process but it is taking longer than anticipated – so that he can press on and finish up with God’s perfect timing.

Thank you all so much! We are very blessed by each of you!

The Thomas Family